Crime Free Multi-Housing Program


FEBRUARY 29, 2024

If you are interested in becoming a part of the CFMH Program or missed out on our April training, please complete a contact form and email it to Officer Cruz-Rios

FPD Goals
CFMH Goals
Program History

CFMH Phases 

Property owners and managers will receive training from various city departments on crime prevention techniques. The following topics will be discussed: fire prevention, health and safety issues, information regarding CPTED standards and the benefits of tenant screening. Attendees will be provided with a crime-free lease addendum, and learn how to monitor and respond to criminal activity occurring on rental properties. The training will equip the property owners and management employees with the necessary skills to prevent or identify problems before they occur. 

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design 

 For the opportunistic criminal, the use of C.P.T.E.D. (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) has been used to combat crimes that might occur in the parking lots or common areas. Proper landscaping and lighting can lessen assaults, robberies, drive-by shootings, auto burglaries and auto thefts. When police, property managers, and residents make a dedicated effort to crime prevention and the Crime Free Multi-Housing program, the outlook for success is extremely high. Let's make our community a safer place to live and enjoy for many years to come.

  • Park Ln fencing

    How people are physically guided through a space through streets, sidewalks and landscaping.

  • see through fencing

    The placement of physical features, activities and people in a way that maximizes visibility.

  • natural fencing

    The use of physical attributes that express ownership such as fencing, signage, pavement treatments and landscaping.

  • maintenance

    Is an expression of ownership, keeps up the appearance of a property, and continues the use of a space for the intended purpose.

New Members 

Are you a owner or property manager of an apartment community in Fairfield and are interested in bringing the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program to your tenants? Please fill out the contact form below and email it to 


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